Proper Contact Lens Care Can Prevent Serious Infections
- While contact lenses are safely used by millions of people every day, they do carry risks. Learn how to care for your contact lenses to prevent infections and keep your eyes healthy.
Diabetic Eye Disease is on the Rise
- Diabetic eye disease is a leading cause of blindness in the U.S. Find out how you can control your blood sugar and monitor your eye health to prevent vision loss from diabetes.
Children's Headaches Rarely Linked to Vision Problems
If your child gets recurring headaches and you think they might need glasses, you may be mistaken - a new study says children's headaches are rarely triggered by vision problems.
CNN Health, Nov. 12, 2012
Safeguard Your Vision: See the Right Eye Care Professional at the Right Time
- MD or OD: Do you know the difference? Meet ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians — your eye care team members.
Take Control of Your Middle-Age Eye Health Now!
- Discover why in your 40s and 50s it’s time for bigger type, more light and probably reading glasses.
Get Tips for Eye Health in Your Senior Years
- Learn about the importance of exercise for eye health and get other tips for healthy vision over 60.